May 20, 2010

quote of the day :)

"Truth is everybody's going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for."

- Bob Marley


the EyeZuh said...

if i read this quote with the mentality of a little princess living in glitterville (as i know a lot of us women have deep down inside) then i could totally take it as pessimism... but its not... its the truth... there is no knight in shining armor who does EVERYTHING you want with absolutely no catch... i hate saying this because i know anyone who hears/reads it will see it as me being just another feminist with a grudge... BUT ITS NOT THE CASE! i'm a giant romantic and i feel totally lucky to have my boyfriend who i believe is as close to perfect as imaginable... anyways... tangent lolz sorry... i just mean to say that its true, 99.99% of the people in the world (save for the mother teresa's n stuff) are more often than not in it for their own agenda which often times leads to you being hurt... its inevitable... but the fact is that their will be a select few who hurt you but do deserve to be forgiven... thanks for getting me rambling girl hahaha

Kiyanna Shanay said...

lol. I loved that you wrote all that, it's like now I can read this tiny snippet from your wonderful mind! You're right though, most people will hurt you, and that's how we grow. I'm really happy that you've found the pergect guy for you! :)