June 30, 2011

What to do? Have fun

Tip 9: Think about all the things you could accomplish with the time and energy you currently spend worrying about your body and appearance. Try one!

  • read a book
  • write a novel
  • buy and rock that outfit that you've had your eye on
  • treat yourself to a mani/pedi
  • reread your favorite book
  • watch a marathon of your favorite show
  • watch your favorite movie
  • find a new favorite anything
  • dance like it's nobody's business because honestly, it's not.
  • do your favorite workout for FUN
  • do a mini photo session in your favorite outfits.
  • play your favorite sport and break all the rules if you want to.
  • concoct your own delicious recipe and serve it to someone who care about.
  • NUDES!!!
  • Teach yourself how to sew/crochet/knit/bake...whatever you want. look at all the how to videos on youtube!
  • make a youtube video
What would you do?

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength."

Be thankful for what you can do!

Tip 8: Count your blessings, not your blemishes.

I think this is a good time to talk about the website Stop Hating Your Body. It's fabulous to love every aspect of your body. I think it's important to think about the things you already love and what they allow you to do. You will find a lot of examples of this on this website. Remind yourself of what you're proud of and what you love. It's a great way to improve your self-esteem.
  • I'm alive!
  • I've found ways to express my feelings, although sometimes I don't.....
  • I have people in my life who love me.
  • I'm getting an education!
  • I've learned that it's okay to be myself and love me some me.

Underneath your clothes, you're naked.

Tip 7: Wear comfortable clothes that you like, that express your personal style, and that feel good to your body.

It's good to be you. You won't feel good if you're not comfortable with what you've got on. It's important that you be yourself and that you're comfortable with who you are. You have to embrace yourself and express yourself.

June 23, 2011

Rockin' Inspiration

"if every girl could see her beauty, we would be an army"

That which doesn't define you.

Tip 6: Don’t let your weight or shape keep you from activities that you enjoy.

Just so you know, no matter what the number on the scale is, it does not define you. You are so much more that a number on the scale. Don't be afraid to do what you love. Don't be afraid to look at the world and say, "this is me and this is where I belong. get used to me." When you do what you enjoy, you're entire body feels it and is happy too.

You want to go swimming? Go ahead and go swimming.
You want to be a boxer? Be the best boxer ever.
You want to do Cartwheels down the street? Be careful and have fun.
You want to play tennis? Be the next Serena Williams.
You want to grow a garden? Go ahead and grow the most beautiful garden and wear a sunhat.
You want to dance? Be the greatest dancer.

Be true to yourself and do what it is that makes you happy and you will feel so good!

"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."

June 16, 2011

The Law of Least Effort

A friend of mine sent this to me, I love it so I'm sharing it.

The Law of Least Effort

By: Dr. Deepak Chopra

The Law of Least Effort: Nature’s intelligence functions with effortless ease, with carefreeness, harmony and love. And when we harness the forces of harmony, joy and love, we create success and good fortune with effortless ease.

I will practice the Law of Least Effort by taking the following steps:

· I will practice acceptance. Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances and events as they occur. I will know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. I will not struggle against the whole universe by struggling against this moment. My acceptance is total and complete. I accept things as they are this moment, not as I wish they were.

· Having accepted the things as they are, I will take responsibility for my situation and for all those events I see as problems. I know that taking responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for my situation, and that includes myself. I also know that every problem is an opportunity in disguise and this alertness to opportunities allows me to take this moment and transform it into a greater benefit.

· Today my awareness will remain established in Defenselessness. I will relinquish the need to defend my point of view. I will feel no need to defend my point of view. I will feel no need to convince or persuade others to accept my point f view. I will remain open to all points of view and not be rigidly attached to any one of them.

June 9, 2011

Hello Sir or Madam

Do you want to see something awesome? This will blow your mind. Go look into the mirror. You see that person staring back at you? That person is greatness. If you want to see greatness, go look in the mirror.

Do you remember that time when you were really struggling and you thought you would never make it through and then you looked around and realized that you made it out alive? That moment prepared you for greatness.

Do you remember when you were in that really hard class and you made it through with a passing grade? That moment prepared you for greatness.

Do you remember when you never thought that you could ever love again and then you realized that love never gave up on you? That moment made you stronger.

Each day we become stronger and wiser. We are constantly growing and learning. We make mistakes and we learn from them. We fall down and we get up. Yes, we have setbacks but then we become stronger again. That prepares us for greatness.

June 5, 2011

Be Confident.

Tip 5:Walk with your head held high, supported by pride and confidence in yourself as a person.

Be confident. Are you feeling the body love yet? Confidence is key. If we don't love ourselves then who will? My theory is that when I believe in myself, I'm always a winner. Believe in yourself and you'll be a winner. Winners can accomplish anything. It's all in you. I can see it from here.

June 2, 2011

Your voice deserves to be heard.

Your inspiration :)

Tip 4: Create a list of people you admire: people who have contributed to your life, your community, or the world. Consider whether their appearance was important to their success and accomplishments.

I feel like this is something that I can go on and on about forever. I like this tip. I think it helps you remember that the people you look up to are humans who love and feel and who have probably struggled with the same issues that you have but have overcome their mountains and touched beautiful lives like your own.
  • my mommy
  • my grandmother and my grandfather. ♥
  • My auntie Jackie
  • Courtney
  • my closest friends
  • my brother and sister
  • my Family
  • Demi Lovato
  • Jonas Brothers
  • Honor Society
  • Jordin Sparks
  • Dr. Martin Luther King jr.
  • Ghandi
  • Princess Diana
  • Labanya
  • David
  • Project Beauty
  • Operation Beautiful
  • Maya Angelou
  • JK Rowling
  • Any author who has published their story to share with the world.
  • People who stand up for what they believe in.
  • Rupert Grint
I could probably go on forever. who inspires you? How do they help you to better appreciate yourself?