November 30, 2011

Goodnight November

For some reason I forgot to add the date on this one but today is November 30, 2011 and you are beautiful. I'm currently working on a paper and study for my exams tomorrow. Quick reasons to smile though: I just got my grade back for my feminist issues test and I got a 91% which I'm super excited about because I was really nervous about it. Studying definitely paid off! I hope November was good to you. Tomorrow is the start of a new month and in that new month you will still be beautiful and special. The holidays are coming up and they can be stressful and they can be happy. If you have finals coming up in the next few weeks, I wish you the best. Stay Strong and Good Luck. I love you. Goodnight November, you've taught me well. You've made me stronger.

November 29, 2011

Reasons to smile: November 29, 2011

These are reasons to smile today:
  • I had two exams today and I think I did well on both of them
  • I got some excellent feedback on a paper I wrote about the Zero Tolerance Bullying Policy in schools. I love writing about something I'm passionate about and I would really love to see an end to bullying. We all know how damaging its effects are.
  • I've fallen in love with a new inspirational song. It's "Perfect" by the powerhouse of inspiration and empowerment that is Pink! Today Kurt and Blaine covered it on glee and it was amazing. I loved it. I find Darren Criss (Blaine) to be a great source of inspiration to me so I just loved hearing him sing it. I listened to that song about 10 times this morning when I should have been studying. It's great!
  • I need to mention again that I'm halfway through with exams!
  • I met some amazing people today
  • I have amazing people in my life
  • I had a great study break today and I got to catch up with some people I haven't spent time with in a while.
  • It was a pretty good day.

Remember how beautiful and amazing you are.

November 28, 2011


I hope this reaches you in good spirits. Today I want you to know that you are special. I want you to remember that you are more than any pain you've every felt and any situation that you've struggled through. You're here now and you're going to make it. Keep your head up and stay strong. You are worth all the beauty in the world and I hope you see it in you.

I'm here to talk if you need me.

November 27, 2011

I'm a busy bee this week.

I hope you have a great week. This week is really going to test my strength but I'm confident that I will do well. It'll be okay. When this week is over...winter break! I can relax and be happy. Look forward to the good things!

Sorry I'm late.

You deserve to be here. You are wonderful. You are stronger than what you're going through. Stay strong.

November 25, 2011

November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

If this is a holiday that you celebrate, I hope that you are safe and enjoying it! What are you thankful for? This year, and always, I'm thankful for healing, family, friends, heroes, and for all the beautiful smiles I've witnessed.
It was warm enough today to go out and play with sidewalk chalk so that's just what we did! It was fun!
Don't forget to say thank you to the people who are working hard in this life. If you're reading this, I would like to say thank you for hearing my voice.

Check out one of my previous thank you posts!

November 23, 2011

Hump Day Parties

Don't let them get you down.

November 22, 2011

And I know some people who are going to change the world.

I believe in people. I think that as humans who share this planet, we need to love and support each other. There are many different countries and languages but beyond all of that, we're one people. We're sharing the world and we can't fill it with hate. Actions speak louder than words. If it's within your reach, why not try to change your world? Why not spread love as much as possible? You never know how much your simple actions of love and support will be appreciated.

We all need support. We all need love. There are so many ways to spread love especially with the power of the internet. You may not understand what someone is going through and you may think you can do anything about a certain situation but it helps to know that someone out there cares. You can be that person that cares. "Be the change you want to see in the world." Don't just ignore a problem when you know it's important. There is always a way to help.

November 21, 2011

Happy Monday

I missed my opportunity to post yesterday because I was super busy but it's okay because I was having a good time. Happy Time is Time that's not wasted. Now I have two pictures to post. One from today and one from Sunday. I hope you're weeks is getting off to a great start!
I love you and you are Beautiful.

November 19, 2011

Pretty pretty picture

I worked on this today and nearly passed out from smelling the markers. It was fun though and I really love all the colors. I'll definitely be making more of these! Here's is something else that is beautiful.
Now I'm patiently waiting for SNL to come on so I can laugh. Laughter is wonderful!

November 18, 2011

Reasons to smile: November 18, 2011

  • went grocery shopping today and stumbled upon some great deals!
  • it's Friday, the day i relax and catch up on Modern Family and Grey's Anatomy
  • I finally got to register into all of the classes I want to take next semester
  • I slept in this morning.
  • I met a few friendly people on my shopping adventure. I love friendly smiling faces.
  • I wore my purple flower today, it's my favorite.
  • I did three assignments/quizzes last night for my Intro to Sociology class last night so i don't have to work on them this weekend. I got 100% on two of the quizzes and a 90% on the last one So I did a good job.
  • This Friday marks the end of one of the last full weeks of the semester
  • Had lunch with a good friend today :)
  • I'm happy.

November 17, 2011

Happy Thursday!

Tomorrow is Friday. We've almost made it through the week!
Here is a fun song. I love it, it's one of my favorites!

November 16, 2011

Live it up.

I have a question. If you’re enjoying yourself and doing what you love while someone sits there and spends the entire time making fun of you, who do you think is having more fun?

Probably the person living it up not trying to put people down. Just a theory.

Live life and be happy. Spread happiness.

November 15, 2011

You are not alone.

Recently in the news, the story broke of a 10 year old girl who committed suicide by hanging herself in her closet. She was only 10 years old and an honor student. Now she's gone. Like many others, she was bullied in school and it led her to take her own life. She felt alone, left out, and saw no other way out

Now listen to me, I want you to remember that you are not alone. Love is louder than the harsh things they say. Love is louder than hate, prejudice, ignorance, intolerance, and judgement. I'm so sorry for all the voices that are not heard but I will be standing up for you. This needs to stop. We need to stop losing lives like this. Stomp Out is not necessary and it's destroying us. Bullies: STOP IT.

We're stronger than bullying and we need to protect each other and ourselves. Remember please that you are a beautiful person. You are loved. You will make it. I believe in you.

Remember this quote, it's one of my favorites right now, "You are a child of the universe! No less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here."

You are not alone. Listen to the song below. It's one of my favorites. I can listen to it a million times. Remember that you're not alone. Love is louder.

November 14, 2011

November 14th!

Some years ago, one of the world's most beautiful women was born. I'm happy to be her daughter as she is beautiful and wonderful. Happy Birthday Mommy!

November 13, 2011

Long Days!

Volunteer! I had so much fun volunteering at the football stadium today. Now I'm tired and sore but it was worth it. I love seeing smiling faces and knowing that you've helped out is just a great feeling. If you don't volunteer, find some ways you can. You'll really love it!

November 12, 2011

Desktop Background

Think about how many times you look at your desktop background. I change them every once in a while and I always pick something encouraging and uplifting. This is my current background and I love it!

November 11, 2011

November 9, 2011

Happy Hump Day

I added this other picture of the inspirational Demi Lovato because she is such a great role model. Her message is amazing. It's great to have support from someone who has taken a stand and shared their journey. We are BEAUTIFUL.

November 8, 2011

always remember.

It all ends here

It needs to end. Please watch this video. It broke my heart but at the same time I was so happy for them. They're all so brave and courageous. We need to see a lot more of that. I'm incredibly inspired by how efforts to let others know that it gets better because it does. He does such a great job singing that song. "Born this Way" is such a beautiful song. It's a great song and you should always remember what she's trying to say. You're wonderful the way you are. Born to be Brave. Born to Survive.

Stomp out Bullying!

November 7, 2011

Felt like a spring day today

I hope everyone had a beautiful Monday.

Sometimes things get venty.

Some people spread a lot of hate. I don't really get why they do this. You don't get anything out of spreading hate. What people get from oppressing others? I really don't know and I will never be able to understand it.

I saw some things earlier that had me in a place between extremely pissed off and crying a river. I won't post a link or describe them in anyway to avoid making people feel the same way I did. It was bad. Later on, when I got around to doing some homework, I saw a website about sea turtles.

I love sea turtles. I think that they're inspirational. They are just such beautiful creatures. From birth, the world and all the odds are against them and they keep on going anyway. It's just like bumble-bees. "Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway." I just think that's so beautiful.

The fight is worth it and this world where there is some toxicity trying to bring you down but is also a lot of beauty that is here to inspire you and lift your spirits. Try to focus on that as much as possible. Please stay around to see all the beauty in this world. It might surprise you.

Keep on going.

November 6, 2011

It's Sunday...

This is the start of a new week. Don't let "so-called Monday Blues" get you down. Tell yourself that you're going to have the perfect week because you are beautiful and you deserve it. I hope you have a fantastic week!

November 5, 2011

Everything's gonna be okay

Something tells me you'll be fine. The strength inside of you is gonna shine.♥

November 4, 2011

Happy Friday!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?

Here is a poem for you today. It's only the portion of a poem but who is to say it's not still beautiful?

November 3, 2011

Inspiration in music.

Here is a song for you. Beautiful like you. I hope it makes you smile.

It's one of my favorites!

It's a new day.

Don't let insecurities ruin your mind or you life. Live free and be you. You are wonderful.

November 2, 2011

Endless message

So I say this a lot. I say it a lot because I know it's true. I know that it's something we all need to here. I'll keep saying it as long as I can. I look around all the time and I still see the need for it.

You are absolutely beautiful. You're a beautiful soul in a beautiful body. Claim your body and love your body. It's the only one you'll ever have. Respect it and cherish it.

Love yourself. You're special. Be proud of yourself. Tell yourself the truth, that you are beautiful and you make the world a better place just by being in it.

Be you. Love you.