May 29, 2014

Dear Dr. Maya Angelou

Rest in Peace Maya Angelou.

Maya Angelou was a precious gift to us all. She was truly a phenomenal woman and an inspiration to all. I find comfort in knowing that her words will live on forever. Her voice, like her words, were magical. I delighted in listening to her speak, watching her interviews and speeches, listening to her recitals, and using that as motivation to work harder and to do better.

In 11th grade I kept her words and her pictures on my English binder to remind myself that I was beautiful, unique, and phenomenal. Her words reminded me that even though I felt sad and lonely,  I was definitely worth something and I deserved to feel good about myself. In those moments during my freshman year of college when I felt defeated and alone, her words on my room wall were a daily reminder that I was going to make it through this and that I had the power in my to stand strong and rise against what I thought were my biggest challenges. When I graduated, her words decorated my cap and my graduation announcements. He words have helped me as I learned to accept and love myself. Her words allowed me to be okay with celebrating me and I know that her words and her legacy will continue to nourish my soul for the rest of my life.

 Dear Dr. Maya Angelou,

I'm so thankful for your words. Thank you for inspiring me and being a constant source of motivation in my life. Your precious words have helped me get to where I am today. You have helped me learn to love and appreciate myself. I'm glad that your words will live forever. I will continue to live by your words. To rise against my fears and stand strong. Thank you for sharing your spirit, your stories, your smile, your knowledge, and your words.  May you always be celebrated and may you rest in peace.

May 22, 2014

Quote of the Day!

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” 

-Maya Angelou

I hope you have a great day. Today is your day to thrive. Then the next day and the day after that. You deserve the best. Keep doing your best. I'm proud of you.

May 14, 2014

Mid-week Motivation

"I deserve to take time to enjoy the little things that make me happy."

  • Getting to the bus stop just in time to catch the bus
  • Enjoying a cup of something hot and delicious at the end of the day
  • Hearing a song I love on the radio
  • When a favorite episode of a show I like comes on
  • When a movie I love comes on TV
  • When I don't get caught in the rain
  • When my hair comes out the way I wanted it to
  • Smiles with hellos and goodbyes 
  • and hugs
  • :)  ♥

May 6, 2014

Celebrating Me: May 6th

Today I'm finally starting to feel like I'm connected to Spring. I took a long walk today and it actually felt great. Between work and my walk, I spent a lot of time outside today and it was very nice. However my feet hurt from standing up all day.

I'm also so glad that I'm finally feeling better. Up until about three days ago I still couldn't stomach real food. My life was tea, toast, crackers, and bananas. I think I'm back to normal now. I really missed normal foods.

I'm so sleepy today. I stayed up late last night playing the sims knowing that I had to wake up to go in to work early for a staff meeting. It's okay because I can sleep in tomorrow!

I feel so comfortable because I redecorated my room this past weekend. I'm now surrounded in a room full of purples and other pastel spring colors and I love it!

I'm currently, in this moment, excited for the mini Grey's Anatomy Marathon I'm going to have while I play the sims.

Lastly, I'm still slightly crying with happiness and joy for all of my friends who graduated within the past week! The world just welcomed some very beautiful college graduates!

Quote of the day:
 Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.
-Maya Angelou

I hope you  enjoy the rest of your week! ♥ 


May 1, 2014

Just one of those days

Have you ever had a day where you just had to tell yourself, "I should've just stayed home" or "I should've just stayed in bed." Yesterday was one of those days for me.

I had a horrible stomach ache and was nauseous for the majority of the day. Left the house without an umbrella on the day that all of April's showers wanted to pour from the sky and missed my bus because I had to go back for it. Missing that bus caused me to miss to my transfer and my nauseous self had to wait in the freezing rain for 20 minutes for the next bus. No seats on the bus. Almost got stuck on the bus. Got to work where I began to feel even more sick and eventually had to leave work to go home early because I did not want to faint or throw up at work. Got soaked on my way home and felt no relief from my stomach pain and nausea until I induced vomiting and threw up the entire contents of my stomach. Throughout my day, I just kept thinking, "I should have stayed in my bed."

However, my day had its small accomplishments and bright moments that I cannot overlook. Getting out of bed was hard to do but I did it. Proud of myself for that. Almost getting stuck on the bus would have usually given me way more anxiety than it did yesterday but I think my focusing on not throwing up made it easier to breathe through so I'm thankful I didn't have a panic attack over that. Before getting on the bus a kind stranger paid for my ginger ale because I apparently left my money at home. So I'm really grateful for that kind stranger. And honestly, throwing up was the best part of my day.

It's so interesting to think about what really makes your day. It really works out when you can find some good in a bad day. That doesn't always happen though and that's okay too. Those are the days when you realize, "I need to treat myself for getting through this shit" and there is nothing wrong with that at all!

Just keep going. One day at a time! :)