May 28, 2010

love you. love your dreams :)

As a dreamer, I think that I should share a message with dreamers everywhere. ♥

Our dreams are beautiful and unique just like we are. Our dreams should inspire our lives. Our dreams represent who we are as people. They represent our desires and our inner beauty. You know what's best for you and you know what dreams are worth fighting for so I want to encourage you to fight for what your heart wants.

Don't let anyone tell you that you're not going to be what you want to be. Don't let them tell you that you can't do it because each day that we make it through, we become stronger, we learn more about the world and about ourselves and that's what will help us make it. That's the extra push that help us reach our dreams.

1 comment:

BBM said...

beautyful love! thank you!