July 31, 2009

Some Good Ice Cream

do you know he has an ice cream van?
I want to buy some ice cream from him!

beautiful, pointless post.

July 30, 2009

So, what's the cure?

I am so sick of all the sadness. We can keep running and running but It always finds us. I'm sick of the inequality among people. It's all too much to handle sometimes. I'm sick of the mistreatment of others. Its horrible to see people judge others over simple things like the kind of music they listen to and the way they dress. It's true that people don't see eye to eye on everything but that does not mean that if you disagree on something you can never be friends with that person. It's so wrong! It's not fair. It's just really horrible.

How can people treat others so mean? How can anyone be so horrible to other people even without having had the chance to get to know them. "If you judge people, you have no time to love them" -Mother Teresa.
Why is it so hard for us to listen to what one another and appreciate what others have to say?

Imagine if you were talking and no one could hear it. Imagine all the words you said being thrown into a black hole. It is so depressing. How can we fix it so that everyone's voice can be heard and appreciated?

I'm so sick and tired of people who have the same dreams not getting along at all. So tired of people who want the same thing fighting over who can do it better. If someone want to help you, unless it's absolutely unnecessary, let them. It's okay to be helped sometimes, especially if you want to do something like making a better world.

People can be so evil sometimes and it is so hard for be to be nice and just ignore it. It's hard for me to want to keep writing nice things to people. It's hard for me to keep helping people even when no one says thank you and I'm just left feeling unappreciated. But I do everything in my power to just ignore it and saw "f**k it," I'm not going to stop my nice efforts because of mean people.

If anyone is reading this, you're beautiful and perfect in every way. Don't let anyone tell you that you're not a special person. Be nice to others because we're all precious and it is wrong to harm anything as precious as a thinking and feeling human being. We have to appreciate others more for the sake of the world. When we leave this earth, we should leave a place filled with love and happiness, not pain and despair. We should leave a place where no one is abused and bullied. Where depression is only found in history books. I believe that someday the world will be a better place but we all have to start working on it today.

July 27, 2009

Body Image.

Eating Disorders: Characterized by severe disturbances in eating habits (such as overeating, skipping meals, not eating for an extended period of time, etc…) Many people associate eating disorders with teenage girls or women, but a significant number of men suffer from eating disorders as well.

Anorexia: The loss of appetite or the refusal to eat in the attempt to lose weight.

Osteoporosis: A disorder where your bones become brittle and riddled with holes. While osteoporosis is closely linked to calcium deficiency, anorexia greatly contributes to the likelihood of a person having the disorder. It can lead to severe pain, shrinking a few inches, and other skeletal deformities.

Bulimia: A disorder characterized by binge eating followed by tremendous guilt and/or depression and self-induced vomiting.

Fitness: The ability to maintain hard exercise such as running for a significant period of time. If you can’t run for at least 5 minutes, you’re probably not very fit.

Anabolic Steroids: Performance enhancing drugs related to the male hormone, testosterone. They increase protein synthesis within the cells, especially in muscles, causing them to grow significantly. Many bodybuilders use steroids to gain muscle quickly, but they are barred from all major professional sports.

Creatine: An organic acid naturally occurring in the body’s vertebrae cells that sends energy to muscle cells. It causes muscles to retain water, making them appear larger, and allow athletes to work out harder and longer. While creatine helps athletes gain muscle quickly, it is not yet banned from athletic associations.

Lactic Acid: The chemical responsible for the pain you feel near the end and after an especially intense workout. It is released as a product of a muscle contraction during exercise. A significant buildup results in that “burning sensation” and cramping pains.

Compulsive Exercise: When an athlete feels absolutely committed to his or her workout and is unable to postpone or skip a session. It is generally associated with addiction and obsession, and an athlete who suffers from compulsive behavior usually becomes angry and irritable after missing a workout.

Proteins: Organic compounds that are responsible for the growth and repair of living tissue. It is vital to weightlifters and athletes trying to build muscle and stay healthy and is found naturally in products such as meat, fish and dairy products.

Carbohydrates: A group of organic compounds such as starches, sugars and cellulose that provide a vital energy source for all living things. They are a huge energy source for human beings, and provide the fuel for endurance activities such as running a marathon or playing basketball.

Dehydration: The excessive of loss of water from the body. It results in a high level of sodium in the blood. When you sweat a significant amount and become dehydrated, shock becomes a serious risk.

Hyponatremia: A condition that is more or less the opposite of dehydration, so it is basically when you drink too much water (also know as, believe it or not, “water intoxication”). Hyponatremia is when the sodium levels in your blood are too low.

Electrolytes: Substances composed of free ions vital to a person’s hydration. Many popular sports drinks boast “Electrolytes!” on their labels, because after a period of hard exercise, you need electrolytes to maintain proper nerve and muscle function.

Sad Stats on Body Image:

  • One out of every four college aged women has an eating disorder.
  • It is estimated that 40-50% of American women are trying to lose weight at any point in time.
  • Americans spend more than 40 billion dollars a year on dieting and diet-related products – that’s roughly equivalent to the amount the U.S. Federal Government spends on education each year! Almost half of all women smokers smoke because they see it as the best way to control their weight. Of these women, 25% will die of a disease caused by smoking.
  • In 2007, there were about 11.7 million cosmetic procedures performed in the U.S. Ninety one percent of these were performed on women.
  • A study found that 53% of thirteen-year-old American girls are unhappy with their bodies. This number grows to 78% by the time girls reach seventeen.

Dear Society,

Don't judge a person on their looks alone. Don't treat someone wrong because they don't fit your personal standards on what beauty is because no matter what the girls in the magazines look like, we are all beautiful. Your words can hurt more that you could ever imagine. Even though you can't see words, they can be felt. They can be sharper than a knife and hotter than the flames of hell. Be careful of what you say. It may have more of an impact than you would like. A simple snicker can cause someone a long life of self hatred. A few words and stares can lead someone to binge, purge, cut, or even worse. Treat others the way you would want to be treated. Begin by knowing that you are beautiful and everyone around you is beautiful as well. Why would ever want to hurt someone as precious as yourself?

*just think about it the next time you start to mistreat someone because they're not just like you.*

Reach for it!

Is there a goal that you'd like to reach? Don't be afraid.
Nothing is impossible. Be Fearless and follow your dreams.
"Reach for the stars, even if you fall, you'll land among the clouds."

I've found that there are so many people who feel as if they don't fit in and they don't know what it is that makes them special. We're all special, unique, and beautiful. You may think that there is nothing special you but that's not true. If you can't see it yet maybe it's just hidden, but trust me, it's there. You just have to find it. Make it your goal to find it. Chances are it's already there and you just haven't noticed it. You never know if you've made someone's day with just the flash of your smile. You never know if your simple hello or thank you changed someone's outlook for the rest of the day. You could be the most special thing on this planet to someone else and not even know it. Remember that you're special and you always will be. Someone sees the light shine in you like no one else can. Someone believes in you always and loves you unconditionally. Never, ever forget that. Because someone believes in you, you can achieve all goals. You can follow your dreams. You have the ability to find what makes you feel special and then be the best you that there ever was. Believing in yourself is the first step and you can do that because someone loves and believes in you. Reach your goal. Nothing is impossible when it is supported by unconditional love.
"If a goal is worthy, there is no good reason to stop pursuing it!
Find something you truly want to do, then go for it with all your heart, mind and strength."
-God's Little Devotion Book for Students.

July 22, 2009

The Color Purple

This morning, I googled purple and was very happy to see that some of the most beautiful images were pictures of my favorite flower in my favortie color. Tulips are so pretty! I think I'm in love with these pictures.

The truth shall set you free!

Because I love Operation Beautiful soooo much and have already started posting beautiful notes in public places, I decided to go on facebook and myspace and leave messages in people's truth boxes telling them that they are, and always will be beautiful. They didn't all say those exact words but it all had the same general message. We are all beautiful people! It's how we were designed and it will never change, we will always be beautiful. Until about five minutes ago, I haven't been able to read people's comments on my anonymous message. I can honestly say that some of those messages made me cry. It's so sad when you see people thinking that their ugly and inadequate when that isn't true. YOU ARE ENOUGH! You're worth much more than you could ever imagine. I'm so glad that people appreciated the comments I left. I'll do anything to make people smile. Smile and let the whole world see how beautiful you are, whoever you are, it's true. No one should ever believe that they aren't beautiful. I hope one day everyone can see how truly beautiful they are. Post a note on your bathroom mirror telling yourself that you're beautiful and remember it all day. Don't let anyone tell you you're not beautiful. You're more beautiful than you could ever imagine and I pray that you'll never forget that.
^^one of the most amazing websites ever.

July 21, 2009

Thank You.

Have you ever wondered how many people make countless sacrifices without recieveing any appreciation? Some people are truly amazing but no one ever tells them how much they're worth. I think that makes them so much more amazing! You never know if you're walking by someone who has sacrificed everything for another person without even thinking twice and unfortuantely never got a real thank you. A simple thank you can mean so much to people. We shouldn't forget the people who work so hard for other people's benefit. Thank you mothers, nurses, fathers, doctors, teachers, non-profit workers, authors, doctors, cops, firefighters...thank you everyone who has ever helped anyone in anyway no matter how big or small. I hope everyone knows that they're appreciated even if it's not said enough. THANK YOU!!!!

July 16, 2009

music = therapy.

I love music. It's like therapy to me. When I listen to music it's like I can escape whatever else is going on and just feel the beat. It's so amazing! I don't think it should matter who sings a song or what label they're on or what they look like. Music is to be enjoyed and we should thank all musicians for bringing that joy to so many people especially since they don't even know the full effect their music has on their fans. It's truly amazing. The lyrics to these songs are so much more than just enough lines that rhymes to take up 5 minutes. A lot of these lyrics decribe the lives of so many people. They can change a gloomy day to a brighter one. They can sum up the story of your relationship, good or bad. They can give you confidence. They can just make you happier than you've ever been before. They can say everything that you thought was impossible to say. Please don't judge people on the kind of music they like because you never know how much their music may mean to them.

July 14, 2009

Key To Communication

I recieved some amazing advice today and thought that I should share it. "Listening is the Key to Communication." We have to listen in order to be heard. We don't listen enough as people. Maybe the answers we need are being given to us but we just aren't taking the time to listen to them. We really shouldn't being missing out on the awesome things people may have to say. Maybe if we listen, our words will be much more effective when we speak up ourselves. Words and Expressions are beautiful and we should be thankful that we have tons of opportunities to share our thoughts. It's important to share what you have to say because we can all make a difference. Don't stop sharing what's on your mind just because it seems as if no one is listening. Be the difference and believe in yourself because you're important and you may not know it but the world loves you so listen to what they have to say and they'll listen to you as well. We need to be able to listen to understand. We need to be able to listen if we're every going to accomplish anything and make the difference.

July 12, 2009

11 facts about domestic violence

11 Facts about Domestic/Dating Violence (via http://www.dosomething.org/)

  1. Domestic/dating violence (also known as intimate partner violence) is a pattern of controlling behaviors that one partner uses to get power over the other. It includes:
    -any kind of physical violence or threat of physical violence to get control
    -emotional or mental abuse, such as playing mind games, making you feel crazy, or constantly putting you down or criticizing you
    -Sexual abuse, including making you do anything you don’t want to do, refusing to have safe sex or making you feel badly about yourself sexually

  2. About 95% of all domestic violence victims are female. And the majority of male victims are assaulted by other men.

  3. One third of American women and one quarter of women worldwide will experience domestic/dating violence in their lifetime.

  4. An estimated 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year. Some studies say the numbers are even greater – up to 5.3 million – since most assaults go unreported.

  5. Only 25% of all physical assaults perpetuated by intimate partners are reported to the police.

  6. Females who are 20-24 years of age are at the greatest risk for intimate partner violence.

  7. On average, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends in this country every day. That’s more than 1100 women a year.

  8. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women – more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined.

  9. One half of all homeless women in the country are fleeing from domestic violence.

  10. Women are more likely to be attacked by someone they know rather than by a stranger.

  11. Domestic/Dating violence costs the US $5.8 billion annually in health related costs, with $4.1 bil for victims needing medical and mental health services

not that this needs to be plugged....

she's one of the greatest people.
read her story

July 11, 2009

you're beautiful.

You are beautiful and that will never, ever change. No matter who you are, regardless of race, sex, or class, you are beautiful. The scale and the mirror doesn't tell you how beautiful you are. You don't have to look like a model to be beautiful. You just have to be yourself. We were all created beautiful so regardless of what you've heard, you will always be beautiful just because you're you. Nobody is perfect. "Imperfection is Beauty" You don't have to change. You're beautiful just the way you are.

it's the truth. don't ever forget it. don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

92% of girls want to change at least one aspect of their appearance. Dove believes all girls deserve to see how beautiful they really are and is committed to raising self-esteem in girls everywhere. That’s why we created the Dove Self-Esteem Fund.”
-Dove Self-Esteem Fund

July 10, 2009

Share it with the world

Let's use our voices to make a difference. Let's share our voices with the world. Let's speak up for others who are unable to stand up for themselves. Like the more than 1500 children who face death in abusive homes. Or the more than 660 million people living in poverty. Let's try to speak up for the more than 840 million people who are malnourished with over 150 million of them being under the age of 5. Even if we may not have the type of platform that celeberties like Alicia Keys and Angelina Jolie have, we still have the power of our actions and little actions add up. We can make the difference and all we need is ourselves.

Please visit these sites that make it easier for people to help make the difference:
http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=46605444512 (open up through secrets)

if you know any other sites, please leave them as comments so I can add them to the list!
thank you.