August 30, 2009

We are so beautiful.

a beautiful video featuring operation beautiful notes (via

love love love it!


August 24, 2009

Do onto others...

The people who tease and judge others must not be able to see how beautiful they really are. How is it possible that you could see something that is precious and beautiful and then treat it like it doesn't matter? Look in the mirror, I know it may be hard sometimes but you need to see how beautiful and special you are. We are all beautiful and special and we should all be treated that way. I'm sure that all children have been told a million times that we should treat others the way we would like to be treated. What makes us forget that? What makes us think that it's okay to do the total opposite? What has our society become? They teach us to be ourselves and people will like us but no one even begins to protect us from the people who will bring us down for showing the world who we really are. WHY?

I should not have to decide between wearing a shirt with the faces of the three boys who saved me or wearing a shirt that puts me in a place to be teased, judged, and made fun of all day. It just isn't right.

Why is the opposite of being just like everyone else an open door to judgement, harsh criticism, and teasing. Some people have the power to just block it out and not let it get to them. What happens to the people who haven't learned to do that yet? What happens to them? We shouldn't live like that anyway! It's no one else's buiseness what music we should like or what clothes we should wear. Why can't we just live our lives like their golden since that's exactly what we are. Beautiful, precious parts of nature that that deserve to be treated as such! This madness needs to end!!!

August 23, 2009

My Get Up and Go Playlist.

To go along with my new room and my happiness list, I've decided to make a series of CDs to play as I get ready in the morning. I've chosen upbeat songs that will hopefully pave the way for a great day. It's like a confidence boost in music form. I'm not finished yet. There are still some songs that I want to buy from iTunes like "Bennie and the Jets" by Elton John and Tom Cochrane's "Life Is A Highway" among others. I'm also taking suggestions. I think that any upbeat, feel good songs like these will really determine someone's outlook on the day ahead. Happy songs make people happy and happy people won't let negativity get to them.

"Before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who cannot speak."

August 20, 2009

some of my reasons to smile (:

I'll be starting my senior year in 4 days so I think that it's time I start my reasons to smile list. I'm going to take it to school with me everyday so I can look at it when I need a little pick up. I'll post a small portion of it here. (:

  • Open Up Through Secrets 2.0 on facebook
  • seeing Honor Society walk about 5 inches infront of me
  • the tweets from
  • Jonas Concerts =D
  • The picture I took of Kevin Jonas and Christa Black(two of my favorite people)
  • Seeing Jordin Sparks
  • Seeing Demi Lovato
  • Seeing Honor Society
  • my awesomely decorated room
  • a blog to vent

I would post a couple pictures but the internet hates me at the moment.


here are some pictures that I took myself in Tampa. I haven't done anything to them....

    August 17, 2009

    School Promise

    Today, I went with my mom to bring my 5 year old brother and my 3 year old sister to their first day of school. After I got past how cute the uniform was and how adorable it is to see little kids with giant backpacks, it hit me that these kids will hopefully be future doctors, lawyers, policemen, musicians, or anything else that they could imagine. I know that I'm only in high school but it's still amazing to see these little kids who have a world of possibilities! Hopefully, most of them haven't experience the true hard hits that the world can throw at us.
    They will learn so much! They're like clean slates. I don't think preschool and elementary school teachers get the credit they deserve. Every surgeon and lawyer needed to learn how to read first. Everyone was taught how to add apples and oranges before they were taught the periodic table. They need so much support. I think that kids start losing passion about their education when they start losing support. Education is the begining of the future. It's funny how some people forget that.
    Children are our future. Let's hope they stay away from all things that will bring them down.

    August 14, 2009

    One spark starts a fire.
    this is such a powerful song with the most adorable video. We do have the power to change. It's all possible if we believe.(:
    I also want to say that if I was in danger and a disney star had to run a help me, I want that to be Kevin. He seems to run the fastest. I doubt that it will ever come down to a disney star saving me but it was just a thought. (:


    When I thought I had lost all hope and told myself that I should stop letting hope in, I turned on my iPod and listened to these two songs. They're both on my iPod but I rarely ever listen to them. Something made me listen to them and I am so glad that I did. I almost gave up on myself but these two songs brought me back. Hope is real. I cannot believe I almost forgot that.

    ps. Coach Carter is one of my favorite movies ever<3

    August 10, 2009

    The MONSTER -_-

    I've been facing a monster for a while now. I let it attack me because I didn't know how to deal with it. I let it attack me. I allowed myself to believe it when he told me I was the person I am because of him. I let this monster tell me that the things I believed in were stupid and weren't important to anyone else. I let this monster insult my intelligence. I ignored this monster's stand for inequality and just let things go on because I was afraid. Because even though this person hurting me is a monster, I didn't want to hurt them. I feared the reaction that I might have recieved if I told him my true feelings. I was afraid that he would just treat me worse and I thought I didn't have the self-esteem to deal with it.

    I refuse to take the criticism. I refuse to let him put me down anymore and then blame everyone else for the way I treat him when the way I treat him is the result of the way he puts me down and talks to me like I don't have any feelings. It's all been so much to handle and worry about but I've recently realized that I'm so much more smarter than this monster. For one, I don't treat people the way he does. I would never treat a part of me the way he treats me. It just isn't right. I would never insult anyone's intelligence the way he insults mine. It won't make me a better person if I put everyone else beneath me so why should I keep ignoring it when he does it. I won't stand for it anymore. I'm letting this monster know that he cannot harm me anymore. I'm not going to let him bring me down anymore because I've realized that monsters don't think the way humans do and letting him get to me is just stupid. I know that I'm pretty okay person and not because I'm his child. I don't get good grades just because I'm his child and I'm not mature for my age because I'm his child like he says. I am who I am because, just like everyone else, I see the world through my own eyes and deal with it the way I think it should be dealt and not by following what others tell me. I'm not going to let him ruin me ever again....

    I'm learning to love myself and I will not let this monster get in the way of that ever.

    August 9, 2009

    reasons to smile (:

    I challenge you, whoever is reading this, to get a sheet of paper and keep it by your bed. Every night before you go to sleep, write down something that happened that day that you were thankful for, or something that day that made you smile. Maybe it could be something that you noticed about yourself for the first time or a compliment that you recieved. Or it could be song lyrics that you heard that made you feel really happy inside. Keep that list as a reminder that a smile can last forever. That even when you're feeling really low, a smile is always possible. And maybe if it'll help you more, you can take the list around with you. Hopefully, you can use this as a way to smile more. It works for me and I hope it will work for you too. The world will always love a smile.

    August 8, 2009

    True Colors

    My mom thinks that I should rename my blog "you're beautiful" because I say it in almost every post. The thing is, I stongly believe that beauty is all around. It doesn't fit into any stereotype. It's real and ageless. It can be found everywhere! Everyone on this planet is beautiful and unique. The trouble is we don't always see how beautiful each one of us really is. We get so caught up in the "image of beauty" that's sent to us through the media. We all need to see how beautiful we are. That's why I keep posting things like this. That's why I love the people at and That's why I send messages letting people now how beautiful they are just incase a day goes by where they've managed to forget it. The message needs to be spread so we can remember it always. We are Beautiful. Always.

    ps. whenever you get the chance, visit dove's campaign for real beauty.

    it can be found here:

    Dove Films :)

    I Love These Dove Campaign For Real Beauty Ads. They're so beautiful and touching!!!!

    August 7, 2009

    Save Young Girls

    Look at this video. Is it not the cutest thing you have ever seen? What's even better though, is when you look behind all the cuteness and hear her powerful message! It is so beautiful yet so so sad that girls have to grow up in a world where society has already put an image on beauty. It's so great that she already has a great view on body image. Her message is amazing! "Stop trying to look like someone else to make yourself beautiful. You are already beautiful in every single way." I just love this video! Such a strong and beautiful message!


    August 3, 2009

    Healing Powers

    If I had the money, I buy one of these for everyone! Unless they were allergic to chocolate or they just didn't like it.(?)
    It's good for you. Filled with antioxidants and it makes you happy.
    You can do so many things with chocolate. it really is essential to today's society.
    I hope that everyone who can enjoy chocolate enjoys it to the fullest. It's some good stuff.

    August 1, 2009

    15 true things

    I got this in an email. It sent some sunshine to a very dark day so I'm going to share it...

    1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would
    die for you.

    2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

    3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they
    want to be just like you.

    4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if
    they don't like you.

    5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.

    6. You mean the world to someone.

    7. If not for you, someone may not be living.

    8. You are special and unique.

    9. Someone that you don't even know exists, loves you.

    10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes
    from it.

    11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a
    look: you most likely turned your back on the world.

    12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you
    want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself,
    sooner or later, you will get it.

    13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget
    about the rude remarks.

    14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will
    feel much better when they know.

    15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that
    they are great.