my AP lit teacher introduced me to the four agreements. There 4 rules that you should make with yourself to gain peace within you. I had to give the book back to her because the year is almost over but it really does help when I actually remember what the 4 agreements are:
Be impeccable with your word. Your words do make a difference. We often forget the power of words but we really do have to use the wisely. Our words can create something really beautiful or it can create something really vile. That decision is up to us.
Don't take anything personally. I have a hard time with this one but when I do think about it. It really does help. Not everything other people say is about us. Even if it is directed towards us. Sometimes it's about them. If we take the bad things personally, it may ruin us.
Don't make assumptions. "when you assume, you make an ass out of you and me." that is not a quote from the book but it is a pretty good. making assumptions really isn't the best thing to do. We may think of it as being hopeful but in reality, making assumptions usually sets us up for disappointment a lot of the time. It's really easier to avoid then you might think. try it, you might like it
Always do your best. That one is something I always stress. Do what's right for you and do your best at whatever it is you love. Sometimes we think we have to go above and beyond to be the best that we can be when really, all we have to do is believe in ourselves and work as hard as we can and that's when we win, that's when we're doing our personal best.
Hey you gorgeous gorgeous man, that I can't even meet in my dreams, you brighten my day you know? Like today for example, I had a few major sucky moments and after I had calmed down a bit, I noticed Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was on and then I saw your beautiful smile and forgot, for a moment, what I was so upset about earlier. You're just so awesome and funny and cool and a freaking ray of talent. I'm going to need a poster of you to decorate my dorm room. I think those beautiful eyes and that amazing smile will keep me from giving up among the other inspirational things that I plan on having in my dorm room. I love all his movies though and I love seeing his interviews, it's like how could you not love him! He makes my heart happy and today he turned a sad face into a happy one which he can always do. I don't know you Mr. Rupert Grint but thank you for being the light that makes my darkness disappear....
I found this while cleaning up my room. It was written when I was in 10th grade. It's a little depressing but I'm sharing it because I like the way it was written. Which is pretty shocking because I'm not a big fan of 15 year old me. I was in the middle of "bff drama" and "boy issues" it was crazy. Just thinking about it now makes me so angry but I've moved on, I've learned from it and it's okay now. Here goes...
I wonder what it feels like to be totally respected. I wonder what it would feel like if people thought of me as an actual person. Acknowledge me because I breathe, eat, and think the same way you do. Something may me different about me, like a flowing river gold, but I am no less important. The blood that runs through my veins is as red as yours and I need it just the same. To deny me the right to live my life the way I please is a great sign of ignorance. It shows an incapability of understanding who people really are. What's on the outside never reflects everything on the inside. Inside of me is deep pain, for mistakes I've made and for the struggles I've had to overcome. Like everyone else, I am imperfect. I understand that and I accept myself. I respect myself and I love myself for who I am, maybe everyone else should too.
As a dreamer, I think that I should share a message with dreamers everywhere. ♥
Our dreams are beautiful and unique just like we are. Our dreams should inspire our lives. Our dreams represent who we are as people. They represent our desires and our inner beauty. You know what's best for you and you know what dreams are worth fighting for so I want to encourage you to fight for what your heart wants.
Don't let anyone tell you that you're not going to be what you want to be. Don't let them tell you that you can't do it because each day that we make it through, we become stronger, we learn more about the world and about ourselves and that's what will help us make it. That's the extra push that help us reach our dreams.
Today was a pretty good day if I do say so myself. It started off with a few sad moments but today the good outweighed the bad.
"He who has health, has hope. And he who has hope, has everything."
today's reasons to smile...
I made awesome brownies this morning. They were really good! I put chocolate sauce and chocolate chips in them..they were really chocolatey
I conducted my last HOSA meeting, as a parting gift, my lovely members, officers, and advisor gave me lovely parting gifts, including a traveling mug, a couple jonas posters, a freaking amazing barbie with her own couch, and a lovely key chain and lots of candy! It was a great meeting/party type thing. I'm going to miss it.
tomorrow is my last normal day of high school. next week is just finals and a bunch of senior luxuries like a special breakfast and snaking the halls with the band.
got to leave school early because I wasn't feeling great, that's not a smile moment but the nap I took when I finally got home was amazing♥
I found out that I have a roommate for the fall and spring! I'm so excited to meet her. Hopefully we were matched well.
"A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference."
-- Pooh's Little Instruction Book, inspired by A. A. Milne
Today is wednesday which means, sick and all, I've made it to the middle of the week!
Today was an early release day from school so I got to go home early, release some stress by watching Arthur, Clifford the Big Red dog and taking a wonderful nap with a few stuffed animals....regression anyone? It made me feel all better though =] ♥
I went out for ice cream with my youth group. it was fun. I had rum raisin ice cream and I loved it
I spent some time reading Winnie the Pooh quotes. I fell in love with them, the quotes make my heart happy. I loved it!
I've got my yearbook and I love signing yearbooks and reading what people write. I know some of the coolest people ever and I'm glad to say that I know them and I love what they have to say about me, it's good to know that I've been a good friend.
tomorrow is my last HOSA meeting so tonight is a baking night, after I eventually finish my homework
I saw a snippet of our senior dvd. a snippet that features me thanking the class for voting me most inspirational. It was so weird seeing myself up there especially since I remember how difficult it was to record that but it still made me happy seeing the whole dvd put together well, it's adorable.
sometimes I wonder if it's better to go unoticed through life or to have the whole world know your name. maybe it's best to be some where in between? maybe it's best for me to cry and go without comfort because no one notices my tears. maybe it'll make me stronger...but who's to say that the people who are noticed and receive comfort from others aren't strong? I think that they're strong, that's one of the reasons they're noticed.
Sometimes I wonder, with a thing like comfort, why isn't it all equal? we all need love. we can't grow as people without it so why isn't there more of it in the world. why isn't it spread as often as it's needed?
It's just something that confuses me. Sometimes it actually makes me angry and I hate it. I really need some other view points though. what do you think?
I just wish there was more love in this world. is anything wrong with that?
My little nugget, my baby brother graduated from kindergarten today! He did so well, he was so excited and so were we. I just loved seeing how happy those little children were. The whole world lies before them waiting to be explored, understood, loved, and experienced. They have the power the make this world wonderful as long as they believe in themselves and I saw that in their eyes and in their smiles. They're ready to take big steps!!
"Courage is like a muscle. We strengthen it with use."
-- Ruth Gordon
I need to use my courage muscle a lot more. I do use it often but most of the times I'm over thinking and get myself really worried about what other people will think of my actions even though I really shouldn't. It's not at all healthy. Like Dr. Seuss said, "the people who mind, don't matter and the people who matter don't mind" but sometimes I just can't get that through my head. I think it's because in my mind, almost everyone I encounter matters in my life but if some of them are going to judge me and hurt me then I can't try to live a life trying to please them. One sure fire way to hurt yourself is trying to please everyone so I'm going to have to work on that. I know that I can't please everyone and I need to stop trying. This is my life and I need to be corageous enough to live it for me. I'm not trying to be selfish but I can't really make others happy unless I'm happy myself.
My dress was purple. I got it from David's Bridal. I also got my shoes, earrings, necklace, and clutch from david's bridal. There's pink highlights in my hair which I think will look nice in my cap and gown.
Tonight was prom night. I had a good time with my friends. I love when people make me smile it happens often but I really love it when people make my heart happy. For a few hours, I could forget about not being up to other people's standards and not fitting the perfect mold and just dance like no one was watching. Sometimes I feel really bad for not feeling beautiful because some people I'm around just bring that out of me but tonight, I felt beautiful and that was very important for me because it was my night. I didn't want any negative feelings to ruin it. I wanted to have fun and I achieved that! I can't post pictures just yet because I'm doing everything i can to keep myself awake for the next 10 minutes and getting pictures off of my camera is a dificult process that takes more than 10 minutes so I'll wait. I do have a picture of some shoes I got earlier today. I took the picture with my phone. They're zebra print and adorable! They're a part of may 22nd's reasons to smile also.
I went shopping today!
I finally got a bra that actually fits. I didn't even know my bra was the wrong size but I went to unique lingerie and the owner is an expert on bras and how they work. She actually took classes and everything. They also specialize in bras for women with breast cancer. It's a wonderful store. You should check out the website.
I got those Zebra shoes up there, a pair of silver flip flops and I got my hair done.
I spent a lot of time with friends, we went to carabbas and had amazing food!
I danced the night away, prom = sore legs in the morning
I had a lot of fun without drinking alcohol or doing drugs or smoking anything.
Everyone looked so beautiful! I love seeing people happy and there were a lot of happy people there tonight.
Well, I'll have to be going to sleep soon. I've got a headache and I'm really tired. I think I'll sleep well tonight!
I got a manicure and pedicure today. I haven't had my nails done it a longg time. It felt really good. I can't afford a real spa day anytime soon so this worked out great
prom is tomorrow! Honestly, I was more excited to go last year but I'm still a girl who loves dressing up and being pampered so it's okay that I'm not super excited. I kind of like my dress. I just tried it on and realized it's a little too big so I probably won't wear it again like I had originally planned. We'll probably sell it
It's friday! well it was now it's 1am saturday morning but Fridays make me smile
We had a senior meeting today. There's about 10 more school days left for the year, for our high school career and we talked about graduation and all that important stuff. It was exciting!
I laughed a lot today. we had the friday giggles in AP psychology and then in AP lit we played this concetration game where a bunch of people are in a circle tossing balls and you have to remember who threw it to you and who you threw it to because it has to keep going in order there were 4 balls being thrown around at once. It was fun
I'm almost done returning all my books. It's like my final goodbye to those subjects and I don't have to worry about reading them or having them collect dust.
I heard a small snippet of one of the salutatorian speeches for graduation, it was beautiful. I can't wait to hear all the speeches
Today was our Senior awards night. It was very exciting to see my classmates honored and acknowledged for all their hard work. I had lots of reasons to smile today until I saw the Grey's Anatomy finale but I'm not going to talk about it. My mom, my zebra connie sparks and I all watched it on the edge of our seats! Anywhoo...these are today's awesome smile moments.
At the awards, I received me National Honor Society hood for graduation, my Health Occupations capstone certificate, my honor cord, a scholarship, and my certificate for honors. I think I did pretty okay :)
A lot of my wonderful classmates and friends were very happy because they've worked very hard throughout their high school year and now everyone knows it by all the honors they received tonight. They were very happy and seeing them so truly happy, made me smile, from like ear to ear. I'm proud of them. Yay for the class of 2010!
I didn't go to school today so I got to watch a few of my favorite shows, they're the shows that make me laugh and relax me when I'm stressed out like Arthur, The Golden Girls, and What I Like About You. I had fun all by myself being lazy in bed watching tv. I think I really needed a personal day.
I had calamari for breakfast because I'm cool like that, then I had ramen noodles for dinner.
I've been feeling pretty sick lately so I need to keep smiling to keep my spirits up. Here are some of the reasons I smiled yesterday. =]
I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch with applesauce :) I felt like a simple little kid, it was fun.
I made a little coil, cylinder thing in ceramics to put pens in and it came out of the kiln today. It's adorable. I love it! I still need to paint it though so hopefully I won't mess it up.
I had a good nap today when I came home from school. I love sleep :)
I watched Nick Jonas on CBS today. He's gorgeous!
I listened to birds sing outside my house this morning. It was loud but it was beautiful. I really enjoyed it.
We finished watching Double Jeopardy in my AP Government class today. It was a great movie and it had a happy ending. I liked it a lot.
spent time with my friends. they make me smile. they make me laugh. i love them.
I conducted a survey around school a while back and one of the questions asked people's top 5 reasons to smile. It was very interesting! Here are two of my participants top 5 reasons to smile.
friends and family
happy endings
beautiful days
the thought of traveling.
good grades
funny things
happy movies
making other people happy
I'll be posting more randomly, it was a lot of fun learning what things make other people smile. A lot of people have similar reasons, similar things that make them happy. I thought it was really cool. Even though people are all different and we all dress differently, have different taste in music and all those other things but we're still really similar in that happiness.
I love my eyes! I see my grandpa in them. I love and miss my grandpa! I like to think that my eyes symbolize love and ambition. He was stubborn at times and I'm starting to think all men are but he when he set goals he stuck to them, which is something I try to do but I still need a little more practice. He also loved his family especially his wife. They were a beautiful couple! Their love could be seen by anyone. I hope I find love like that someday. Anywhoo.....I see love in my eyes especially when they're really bright. I also see strength because it takes strength to love and I know that he had to be really strong to live those two years after my grandmother had died. He had to be strong to keep the love going without her.
I think my eyes are deep. I think they tell a story. A story of love and strength, of making it through good times and bad. They hold times of tears of sadness and tears of joy and I love those bright, beautiful, deep eyes. They're mine and they make me, me...♥
So this week is a pretty exciting week for us seniors at my school.
We have senior awards on thursday, a senior meeting on friday, and prom on saturday. I'm pretty ready for prom, I just have to take care of getting my nails and hair done and I still need a strapless bra. I have until the 22nd so I should be good.
I don't know what I'm wearing to the senior awards. I want to wear something springy but I don't really have anything springy so I'll have to work on that. I'll probably figure it out tonight so that I can have it all ready by thursday.
I also have to do a research paper by next monday. I'm aiming to be finished by tomorrow night so wish me luck! it shouldn't be that hard though, I know where to find all the information and how to word it. My only problem will be procrastination. Procrastination, I know you and I know how to beat you. I'm a little lazy right about now and really tired but I'm beating you sucka!! just watch me
It's been a while since I visited I don't know why though, the stories are so amazing! I do know however that when I first started visiting there were only about 30 pages of stories, now there are over 250 pages. I think I have a lot of reading to do. I won't be hard and I won't mind because the stories are truly beautiful! Some of them have actually made me cry before. Here is on I thought was really beautiful.
"Freshman year, there was a crippled girl bound to a wheelchair. For 4 years, she did physical therapy and progressed to crutches. When we graduated a few weeks ago, she handed her crutches to an officer and walked across the entire stage. The applause from the seniors was deafening. She cried the whole way. GMH"
"What you dream, what you feel, and what you really are will be manifested through your words. Your word is a force, it is the power you have to communicate, to think, and thereby to create the events in your life."
wooo!!! this is my 200th blog post! The picture doesn't match the quote and the quote doesn't match the rest of the post. But I loved them all so they're all here.
Earlier, for some odd reason, I was thinking about my laughing problem. I tend to laugh at everything. I remember a few times when I would laugh nonstop for 2 minutes and fall off my mom's bed. My head hurt so much after all the laughing that I was afraid to go to sleep. I love it though. It's awkard at times but I can deal with it just because I'm cool like that. I also love hearing laughs especially when they make me laugh too. I just love it. When I laugh, it's like i can escape from all my worries even if it is just for 2 seconds or 2 whole minutes :)
I wish that I could go on vacation. I think I deserve a good spa day. I kind of want to put everything on hold and go on my ideal vacation.
This is my dream trip, it would span over the time of a year or two but realistically, I know that isn't possible.
First, I would travel to Egypt. I would then go see the sights. Meet some awesome people. Eat the food. Go shopping. Go dancing. Find a spa. relax sleep and then visit a spa again.
From Egypt, I would go to England. Find a spa. relax. sleep. spend some time with my family there. go take some of them to the spa. eat food. find the harry potter cast. not all of them. just rupert grint. go to T.G.I.Fridays with him and eat good food and talk. Then I would go ice skating and maybe hiking with a few of my cousins at some of the beautiful parks over there across the pond. :) I would then go to the spa again and maybe sleep some more. I love watching movies with family so I would do that there too.
From England I would go to South Africa. I would go to the beaches. I've heard that the beaches there are beautiful. I would also love to see the mountains and maybe climb them...? hmmm...I would, yes I would...and I would love it. Then I would dance with a family friend I have over there. I haven't seen her in so long and I would love to visit her!
My next stop would be where ever the world's best chocolate is. I'm not sure where that is but I would try to go to Hershey, Pennsylvania first and see what they have to offer because I know that they have a spa. A spa that centered around chocolate. how amazing is that?
Since I'll be back in America, it would be the perfect time for me to just go on a road trip and see the whole country that way. From Chocolate Land, I would fly to New York, visit my family there, borrow someone's car and then zigzag the country. I'll have to make sure I see all the landmarks and visit all the zoos and eat all the good food.
After that I would go to the caribbean and visit my family in Grenada and Jamaica and then I would go to the beaches and of course eat the food! I already know the food is good so I know what to expect!
It wouldn't end there of course. Once I get started, I'll probably never want to stop. For now, I'll start of slow and inexpensive. I'm planning a trip to the zoo and the aquarium that's near the college I'm attending. That should be really fun. I can just pretend that I'm in a different country visiting the beautiful and unique animals. ♥
This was one of my first blog posts but I love this story so I wanted to post the story again. It's true that life isn't easy but I think we should all celebrate that we have life and although it may be hard, we have to know that better days are ahead. Focus on the good things you have because you never know what might happen if they were just gone Story of a Blind Girl.
A blind girl hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, ‘If only I could only see the world, I will marry you.’
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. He asked her, ‘Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?’
The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind.The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn’t expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him. Her boyfriend left her in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying:“Take good care of your eyes, my dear; before they were yours, they were mine.” This is how human brain changes when the status changed.
Only few remember what life was before, and who’s always been there even in the most painful situations.
Life is A Gift.
Today before you think of saying an unkind word - Think of someone who can’t speak.
Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.
Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone ho’s crying out for a companion.
Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who went too early to heaven/hell.
Before you complain about your children - Think of someone who desires children but they’re barren.
Before you argue about your dirty house, someone didn’t clean or sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets.
Before whining about the distance you drive - Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.
And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had your job.
But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another - Remember that not one of us are without sin and we all answer to one maker.
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on your face and thank — you’re alive and still around
Life is a gift - Live it, Enjoy it, Celebrate it, And Fulfill it.
So, I've been trying some of the things that are in my college bag and they're a little small. So, I'm going to have to start eating healthy and get back to daily exercises before I go on my mega-college shopping adventure that will begin in aprroximately 25 days. I also have to get in shape because the campus is huge and it will be FLORIDA. It increases my excitement though. I know there's more than just fashion though. I'll be needing a lot of other things but I'm still in the process of picking a theme that will keep me comfortable while being away from home. It's all so close, I'm just trying to do what ever I can to get ready *dun dun dun*
It is a bit early, the day isn't over yet but I'm not going to be at home tonight. I'm going to relay for life. It's really fun, It raises money for the american cancer society and it's an all night thing. I'm going at about 6 and it's over at 10 in the morning. So I'm listing my reasons to smile now.
I didn't go to school today. School is pretty much just sitting there, talking, watching movies waiting for graduation, and reading books. I had to visit my doctor today so I just didn't go to school.
My mom got me a caramel frappe from mcdonalds. I love coffee! It almost taste like the one from starbucks so I was very pleased. It was also very refreshing since it's so hot out.
I'm about to do tons of baking for the bake sale at relay for life. Ilove baking, which I've probably said a million times. Today, I'm making peanut butter cookies and banana nut muffins. I hope they taste good!
relay for life :)
closer and closer to graduation! there's only 14 school days left too.
I've got hope. Sometimes I feel really lost and confused and sick and tired but at the end of the day I have hope.
I try to remember all the good things so that I can keep them in mind when things go bad. It works 80.95% of the time.
I listened to tons of old songs on youtube today. Like all of bow wow's old songs and I knew all the words! It was so fun. Some of these songs, I can't even remember why they were so popular, like that song Laffy Taffy. I just had a lot of fun. Oh those songs bring me back to the good old days when I was 8-13. I kind of miss those days.
AP tests are over. We don't do much in my classes but I enjoy talking and watching movies and reading books.
Jonas live chat today. I love those boys. they make me smile. :)
I realized again, how much I want to travel. If I could I'd get on a plane tomorrow and just pick a country out of a hat and try to go there.
sweet tea =]
Reservations Blues, the book my AP Lit class is reading, is getting really interesting. I love traveling through books, it's cheap and you can travel through time too. awesome!
my friends and their smiles, always make me smile
it's thursday! and tomorrow is relay for life! I love relay for life.
"you're not fully dressed until you wear a smile."
That up there is my smile. It's a part of me that I love the most. Above the boobs and in between last year's prom weave, lies my smile. I think it's beautiful. I love it because it's mine. It reminds me of all the beautiful and strong women that have raised me, like my grandma, my mommy, and my auntie jackie. My grandmother is no longer here but I think she still lives through my smile, and the rest of my face because I kind of look like her. My smile represents my strength and my ability to become whatever I want to be because that's what those beautiful women taught me. I can only use the strength of my smile if I'm brave enough to share it with the world so there. that's my smile.
shoes actually though. and other things in my house that I have no use for but are in really good condition. I'm just going to bring a bunch of stuff to school and give them to people who might need them since I have a friend who needed new shoes for work and I just happened to have a pair here so when I bring them tomorrow, I'll just bring a whole bunch of other things that are give-away-able. =]
It should be fun. I like fun. I love fun actually. Also it will be easier to clean my room if I get rid of things I don't need.
Today, I take my last AP test! I'm very excited! After this I only go to school for like 2 classes. We are reading a book in my AP lit class and it does seem really interesting. It's called Reservation Blues. We've only read about 6 pages but so far so good. We hopefully won't have to do any work on it since we've already taken our AP exam, just read to take up time. Only 16 days left for us seniors and we want them to be as relaxing as possible.
I think I'm ready for this exam today. I know the content pretty well but I also really just want to get it over with. Is that bad? I'm just ready to say farewell although I love psychology, it's a cool subject to learn but I know I'll be learning lots about it after I graduate so it's not good-bye for too long.
I've always seen these Jimmy Dean D-lights at the store and since I love the one from McDonalds, I wanted to get them because I figured they would be healthier. They do taste really good but I like this sandwich because of the different textures, so I think for a more healthier option, it would be best if I made it myself. That way I could make each part to my liking and I could pick the healthiest food for each part. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and this was a great way to eat it fast and still be healthy but I think it was supposed to make me want to eat this instead of the fast food option and that didn't really happen. I'll stick to these however until I can find the time to make my own. Maybe I should start toasting the muffin separately so that it has that whole blend of textures going on.
Once on a yellow piece of paper with green lines he wrote a poem And he called it "Chops" because that was the name of his dog And that's what it was all about And his teacher gave him an A and a gold star And his mother hung it on the kitchen door and read it to his aunts That was the year Father Tracy took all the kids to the zoo And he let them sing on the bus And his little sister was born with tiny toenails and no hair And his mother and father kissed a lot And the girl around the corner sent him a Valentine signed with a row of X's and he had to ask his father what the X's meant And his father always tucked him in bed at night And was always there to do it
Once on a piece of white paper with blue lines he wrote a poem And he called it "Autumn" because that was the name of the season And that's what it was all about And his teacher gave him an A and asked him to write more clearly And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door because of its new paint And the kids told him that Father Tracy smoked cigars And left butts on the pews And sometimes they would burn holes That was the year his sister got glasses with thick lenses and black frames And the girl around the corner laughed when he asked her to go see Santa Claus And the kids told him why his mother and father kissed a lot And his father never tucked him in bed at night And his father got mad when he cried for him to do it.
Once on a paper torn from his notebook he wrote a poem And he called it "Innocence: A Question" because that was the question about his girl And that's what it was all about And his professor gave him an A and a strange steady look And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door because he never showed her That was the year that Father Tracy died And he forgot how the end of the Apostle's Creed went And he caught his sister making out on the back porch And his mother and father never kissed or even talked And the girl around the corner wore too much makeup That made him cough when he kissed her but he kissed her anyway because that was the thing to do And at three a.m. he tucked himself into bed his father snoring soundly
That's why on the back of a brown paper bag he tried another poem And he called it "Absolutely Nothing" Because that's what it was really all about And he gave himself an A and a slash on each damned wrist And he hung it on the bathroom door because this time he didn't think he could reach the kitchen.
This poem is called, A Person, A Paper, A Promise, written by Dr. Earl Reum.
Isn't it sad? My wish for you all is to understand that the world in which we live is brutal, it's rough, it's confusing, it's real but it can be beautiful. It wil give us strength. You are not alone. You 're stronger than you think. You can make it. Please don't give up. You are beautiful. B-E-A-U-tiful. You are worth so much. You're not worthless, you never were, and you never will be. Sometimes things are hard but they'll make you stronger and you'll get past it. You're going to make it. I know you're tired but you can take it. You'll get the energy to make it through. You'll find the light to lead you out of the darkness and your heart will sing and be happy and you'll feel the love. The sadness will go away. You'll accomplish things you can't even imagine right now. Don't be afraid, don't run away. You're amazing and you're going to make it. You deserve the sun and the stars, the moon, the clouds, and all the smiles in the world. You deserve it all. Your life is precious and beautiful. It's wonderful and perfect. You may not see how precious your life is but treasure it. It's a wonderful thing. Please don't hurt it. Don't destroy it. Don't tarnish its beauty. Please! I love you. I'd love for you to be happy. I'd love to see you smile. A beautiful and happy smile. I'd love to see pain and sadness vanished from the world forever. I want all hearts to be healed. I believe that we can work together to achieve that. We can make it happen through love. Love is magical. Hope is magical but they're both real. They're real and we can use them to change the world and make it better place. A place that we deserve and a place that our children and their children deserve. A beautiful place built on love and fed with happiness. It can happen and it will. It's possible if we all believe and know that it's real. Know that a better tomorrow is possible and we can all work towards it. Tell someone how amazing they are. Tell someone that their smile is beautiful and that it warms other people's hearts. Tell someone that they are loved and not alone. Believe it. Understand it and spread the word. Together we can spread love to every heart and the world will be a better place. We can do it. I believe. Do you?
"Beauty, truth, friendship, love, creation – these are the great values of life. We can't prove them, or explain them, yet they are the most stable things in our lives."
these are the things that remind us that there is something special in all of our lives. We often forget that and it's such a shame. We forget that there is love and there is beauty in everything! Not a many things make me mad but there's one of the major things that upsets me is seeing people ignore people because of they dress differently or they don't fit in. That is so stupid!
I'm not going to put loving myself and respecting myself on hold so that I can fit in. I'm on a journey to be the best me I can be and I'm not going to stop because people don't approve of how I look or what I believe in. Nobody should disrespect you for being yourself. That's the reason people should love you. It's hard to just say to keep those people out of your life but them being there can't be a positive thing. It really hurts sometimes too but I know that they don't mean to hurt me, they don't mean to hurt you either. When people see a certain thing as "the greatest thing ever" they usually think that anything that isn't in any way similar to that doens't even deserve the time of day. I don't think that's true.
I think that everything has potential to be the best thing ever. It's all in the way we look at it. I like to look at things and find beauty instead of trying to find all the reasons to not like it. I don't think that's necessary. That's what I believe, I'm not forcing other people to believe it but that's what works for me. The other way makes me angry! I don't really like being angry.
I like loving myself. I like being at peace with myself. i like finding beauty in every thing. It takes time but I'm willing to work for it all. My biggest dream is that we will all be able to see the love and the beauty one day and notice that it is literally all around us. We just have to be brave enough to look.
I just finished watching the new episode of Kendra. I love her! She has a beautiful family and she's just so adorable. She makes me laugh. She's herself and that's beautiful, that's why she inspires me. I love her! She's also coming out with a work out dvd. I can't wait to get it! It should be really fun.
Today was mama's day! It was fun. I went shopping with my mommy. I got new pajamas, a few cute tops and some socks. They went straight into my college bag. Eventually, I'll have to start packing in a neat and organized way but for I now, I just like shopping and throwing stuff in there.
I read the words reservation confirmation and repeated it several times because it was just so fun to say!
Worked out, not for a long time, just about 15 minutes because I had nothing better to do and I was helping my mom keep the kids occupied while she got their bedtime stuff ready. Honestly, I love working out and I think since I'm going to have less work to do now that all these AP tests are almost done with, I'm going to start working out every day again. I always feel good after I work out. It gives me more energy and I feel healthier which is great. I love feeling healthy. I need to work on that
My mom loved the food I cooked for her. There isn't any left!
I took an awesome nap. Me and sleep are like best friends and my nap was amazing!
One month from today is the day I graduate!!!
Tomorrow morning begins another school week. Within this school week is another AP test. After that, no more! One month away from graduation and then a little over a month until I start college. It's all so exciting. So much to learn, all these new experiences. I think I'm ready, if not, I'll adapt.
If you took the time to read all of this, I hope you have a wonderful and beautiful week. Remember that you're strong and you're beautiful, just because you're you. You can handle everything that's thrown at you this week if you take the time to believe in yourself.
I just want to wish all the mamas out there a very wonderful mother's day! I love my momma, she's my rock. Sometimes I think I don't deserve a person as special as she is. She's made it through a lot and she keeps on going. I've seen her give us amazing amounts of support and love even when she didn't even have energy for herself. My mom is my best friend. I can always talk to her, she always makes me laugh. As I get older I appreciate her more and I can understand the struggles of a mom. I've seen her go through a lot to have my brother and sister. She almost died while she was pregnant with my sister and she was on bedrest through both pregnancies, that is love! Our home is full of love and it wouldn't be possible if it weren't for my beautiful and amazing mommy! She's always praises me and tells me how special I am even when I refuse to see it myself. She'll always be my inspiration. She's not perfect, no one is, but she's strong and she knows how to put a good fight.
I'm about to bake a chocolate cake. I love baking and cooking, it never fails to make me happy.
I'm also about to make potato salad because it's one of my mom's favorite dishes, that I can successfully cook. I tend to stay away from cooking her most favorite dishes because I don't want to mess them up :)
I went to a psychology study session today. I love studying in a group, I like to learn and laugh at the same time so that's always good.
I love saturday mornings because we usually don't have to rush to go anywhere. I can come into my mom's room, wake up my little brother and sister and play with them. I usually attack them with tickles and questions and it's always a lot of fun until they start getting mad because they don't approve of what is on tv. It's all very cute.
did some online window shopping. I always have fun doing that. I find so many cute things.
I'm currently wearing two socks that don't match, one is white and gray and the other is pink and black, zebra striped! I really wanted to wear socks but I couldn't find the other zebra print one so I took one of my brother's socks. :)
I was thinking about all my friends from New York that I've known since the 4th grade and the ones I've known since preschool and I think it's so awesome how were all growing up and going away to college soon! We were just little kids not too long ago but we're growing and we're on to bigger things. it's so exciting.
I've been looking forward to seeing Betty White on SNL tonight! I'm prepared to totally enjoy watching SNL tonight, too many people I love to watch are going to be on my screen at once. It will be amazing!
10 of my favorite things in picture form. It was really fun to do. Iza =] posted one and it was really interesting so I wanted to try it out for myself. These are a few of my favorite things....
Favorite Hobby:Jewelry making. It relaxes me.
Favorite TV Show:Golden Girls =]
Favorite Restaurant Food:Friday's cajun chicken and shrimp with pasta. yum!
Favorite thing to shop for:accessories :)
Favorite Animal: Zebras!!
Favorite Song:hard to pick but Ooh Child by The Five Stairsteps. I have tons of favorites of course Favorite Word: PEACE
Favorite Youtube Video: True Colors
Favorite Movie:Juno or Pretty Woman or August Rush or...I have too many favorites!
Favorite Childhood Memory:spending time with family that's me and my mommy. I don't remember that of course but it's one of my favorite pictures!