Whoa. I think that sums up my Fall semester. I thought it was going to kill me but look at me. I'm here. I survived chemistry and I did better than I thought. My final grade was a "B" which is what I was fighting for so I'm really happy about it. I had a B+ before the final exam but apparently, a B+ just was not meant to be. I'm okay with that. That class was pretty hard. Thank God for the grading scale!
While up super late studying for my Female Experience in America class, I found this wonderful line in one of the books that I found very interesting:
"...girls who hate their bodies do not make good decisions about partners, or about the kind of sexual activity that is in their best interest. Because they want to be wanted so much, they are susceptible to manipulation, to flattery, even to abuse. It [body angst] makes the worst forms of sexual flattery acceptable, which explains why some girls feel ambivalent about sexual harassment and do not know how to respond."
-Joan Jacobs Brumberg's The Body Project
This is so true! Body hate is our biggest enemy and it is hurting us physically and mentally. Why do we do it so often. I do it too sometimes but it makes me sick when I hear people go on and on about how much they hate their bodies, failing to find a single good thing about it.
I admit that I do need to treat my body a lot better but there are still things that I love about it.
My body is the only one I'll ever have.
I need to listen to it a lot more and understand it when it is trying to tell me something.
My body has been with me since day 1, it's always with me which is why I should probably begin to be a better friend to it.
I love my smile because it is my connection to the past.
I love my eyes because I share them with my beautiful family. Beautiful big tired eyes :)
I love my short fingers because how else would I be able to wear all the cute little rings that I love
I love my mind, most of the time, because it's pretty darn powerful....blessing and a curse.
I think I could on especially after I start to listen to my body more and treat it better.
Body love is possible. I can do it and I thought it was going to be hard...like Chemistry, but I survived.