October 14, 2010

walk a mile in her shoes♥

I was lucky enough to experience something truly wonderful today! October is domestic violence awareness month. Here at USF, over a hundred REAL men walked in heels to raise awareness for the victims and survivors of sexual assault and rape. The event is called walk a mile in her shoes. What's better than guys in heels? Guys in heels who care about women and are willing to pledge to respect women. They took a beautiful pledge to respect women, to always have consent, and to overall know that REAL men listen, ask, and always get consent.

There is no excuse for abuse. Voices need to be heard. Every step we take for awareness allows one silenced voice to be heard. Rape hurts everyone. It was amazing to see how many men care to make a difference. It was amazing to see how many people in general care and are willing to make a difference.

It exemplifies something that I'm always saying, when we believe in ourselves, we're making the world a better place just by living in it.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool article as for me. It would be great to read something more concerning this topic. The only thing I would like to see on that blog is a few pictures of any devices.

Nickolas Trider
car jammers