December 3, 2012

Happy December

People say that December is the Friday of months. It really does feel that way. For lots of people out there, this month is half work and half play. This is my last week of classes and while this week and finals week next week will be very busy, I can see the finish line and I could not be happier.

I'm a bit overwhelmed with the amount of work I have to do in the next few days but I know that sometimes it's okay to step away from a moment and take a breather as long as I know that there are times to focus and times to relax.

This time of year can be hard sometimes so don't forget to take care of yourself! Do what makes you happy. Try to avoid the things and situations that don't(if possible!). Remember the tips for holiday help. 

Your body, your career, your sexuality, your love life, your life choices are all your own and you don't deserve to be badgered about other people's opinions on them. You are wonderful.

Lastly, sometimes I have to be hard on myself to get your work done. You have to do your work. It makes the relaxing all the better! You will feel very accomplished when you finally get through those final exams and papers and then you'll have more time for you.

Look at the self-care manatee. The message is super important today.

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