December 31, 2012

Coalition End Rape Culture

In 2012, I participate in the Coalition to End Rape Culture. I'm glad to have participated in this great event. This was put on by the Students for a Democratic society and after attending this event, I went made sure I could help out in any way possible. I got everyone I knew to sign the petition. This whole movement that they started was meant to raise awareness of the reality of sexual assault and violence on college campuses. The goal is to educate people on rape culture and it's detrimental impact on our society. Basically, rape culture is a system of ideas, beliefs, language, and behavior that create excuses for rapists and make them think that sexual assault is okay. I'm sure we all know that this is NOT OKAY.
While I considered myself already knowledgeable on this topic, I learned two very important things.
  • You can be both a victim and a survivor of sexual assault. You don't have to pick one or the other
  • Rape culture is the belief that victims of sexual assault not including rape are not important and that their stories don't matter. This is NOT true. 

This movement is still going on and I'm excited to be helping out. We need to do anything we can to end rape culture. I'll keep you updated on how things go next semester!

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