January 15, 2012


I feel so bad that I've missed so many days. I haven't been spreading as much love as I would have liked to because I settling in to the new semester. I think I'm all settled in now though. I survived the first week mentally and emotionally but not financially but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

I'm happy to be in the place that I am though. It's an honor to be able to sit in a classroom at a university and be able to learn about what interests me. Not everyone is that lucky and if I had been born in a different time period, I might not have had this opportunity. For that reason, I'm so thankful for the people who have fought for freedom and equality and I take it upon myself to understand the importance of that and to continue fighting for equality.

I did some community service yesterday. It was wonderful. We were filing paperwork for an organization in Tampa that provides food services for local daycare centers. Not only did we have a great time giving back, we also had the opportunity to build relationships with people in the Tampa community. They said that we can come back whenever to volunteer, read to children, or even shadow the workers there. They've provided us with great opportunities that can help us greater succeed in life. Community service is always a phenomenal experience.

I'm hoping to have a great week and I hope you have a great week too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are Beautiful!!