August 17, 2009

School Promise

Today, I went with my mom to bring my 5 year old brother and my 3 year old sister to their first day of school. After I got past how cute the uniform was and how adorable it is to see little kids with giant backpacks, it hit me that these kids will hopefully be future doctors, lawyers, policemen, musicians, or anything else that they could imagine. I know that I'm only in high school but it's still amazing to see these little kids who have a world of possibilities! Hopefully, most of them haven't experience the true hard hits that the world can throw at us.
They will learn so much! They're like clean slates. I don't think preschool and elementary school teachers get the credit they deserve. Every surgeon and lawyer needed to learn how to read first. Everyone was taught how to add apples and oranges before they were taught the periodic table. They need so much support. I think that kids start losing passion about their education when they start losing support. Education is the begining of the future. It's funny how some people forget that.
Children are our future. Let's hope they stay away from all things that will bring them down.

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