September 7, 2009

Taking the world by storm, obviously.

Have you seen it yourself yet? Have you witnessed the storm of people and organizations who want to let the whole world know that they are beautiful. There are so many people doing everything they can to let the people everywhere know that you matter, we all matter.

There are so many people that feel so alone, in fear that they are not enough. What we don't realize sometimes is that there are a bunch of place where you can receivve support. I know that this is identical to my last post but between then and now, I've stumbled on a lot of support places and it hit me that the world isn't filled with heartless people despite what so many of us have thought for so long. It turns out that there are many people who have hearts big enough to love themselves, the people close to them, and, saving the best for last, complete strangers!

I'm thankful for each and everyone of them. Although I see all these people with big hearts spreading their love everywhere, I know that there are still people who will judge and disrespect others and they probably always will. It still gives me hope that so many people try each day. Thank you so much beautiful people!!!


there are so many others and if I missed one, you're very welcome to tell me about it and I'll add it.

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