April 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Blog....a day late...

It's been two years and one day...It's cool to see how much I've grown since I wrote my first post. I've been slacking lately because of school but I only have one more week of classes and the finals and then I greet the lovely summer!

I've been a busy bee this semester but I've learned so much about the world, myself and other people. There is always a bright side. I'm going to include a writing assignment that I had to do for the world's hardest and most demanding class. It's one that I got a hundred percent on and I wrote about this lovely blog that I love so much.

In high school I was the president of an organization called Health Occupation Students in America. One of my main goals as president was to raise awareness of various diseases, disorders, ways to stay healthy and the issues that impact our health. I began researching these topics thoroughly and I wrote a newsletter every two weeks on those topics. I felt like I was really helping my members by reading this newsletter to them at all of our meetings. We focused on dating abuse, child abuse and bullying for one meeting and we were supposed to put up posters around school to raise awareness. Out of 50 members, 3 posters were made and then torn down once they were put up. I felt like that was a huge issue so I did a research paper on domestic violence, collected views on the issues from friends and classmates and then I started a blog on blogger.com and posted my very first blog post. My blog was a tool for raising awareness then it became a self-esteem booster when it went through a “you are beautiful” phase. From that phase, it went on to understanding how to love you and others. Now, I use it to promote high self-esteem, confidence, and positivity to the few people who read. As I look back to older posts, I see that it’s also a great source for positive quotes, pictures, songs and movies. It makes me happy. It’s been a healing method for me and I really do love it.

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