do you know he has an ice cream van?
I want to buy some ice cream from him!
beautiful, pointless post.
This is about healing. This is about love. This is about recovery and empowerment.
Sad Stats on Body Image:
Dear Society,
Don't judge a person on their looks alone. Don't treat someone wrong because they don't fit your personal standards on what beauty is because no matter what the girls in the magazines look like, we are all beautiful. Your words can hurt more that you could ever imagine. Even though you can't see words, they can be felt. They can be sharper than a knife and hotter than the flames of hell. Be careful of what you say. It may have more of an impact than you would like. A simple snicker can cause someone a long life of self hatred. A few words and stares can lead someone to binge, purge, cut, or even worse. Treat others the way you would want to be treated. Begin by knowing that you are beautiful and everyone around you is beautiful as well. Why would ever want to hurt someone as precious as yourself?
*just think about it the next time you start to mistreat someone because they're not just like you.*