June 27, 2009

Operation Beautiful

We were all created beautiful. Why is it so hard to believe it sometimes? Why is it so hard to feel beautiful. It's true that society has set images of perfection, of what beautiful should look like, but what about the way beautiful feels? It is so unfortunate to see girls obsessed with the way they look. Worrying every second about how many calories they're burning or eating. It's worse to know that sometimes I'm one of these girls who feels unpretty because I don't meet society's standards. Why should we be so hard on oursleves?
I vote we all find something and someone that can make us feel truly beautiful and happy. The something first so that when the someone turns out to be trash, you have the something to fall back on. Our something can be anything that let's us express ourselves and show the world that we have more to offer than a body that mirrors a model or a face like the lastest hot star. We each have something unique and special to offer and for us all to feel beautiful, we need to discover it and share it with the world so the world can also experience our beauty too.
We all need a confidence boost sometimes and on the Open Up Through Secrets group on facebook, someone mentioned the website http://www.operationbeautiful.com/. Their mission is a random act of kindness encouraging women with positive messages posted in public places. People who have joined the mission post these messages anywhere they can to help women everywhere realize that we are all truly beautiful. Please join the mission and visit their site if you have the time. It's something that we all need to do.
This is a video from Operation Beautiful. I hope you choose to join the mission as well. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

this is beautiful!!!
I will do this!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE Operation Beautiful! Good Job!!