Now it's time to relax. This past semester was really hard for me and because I was struggling with so many things, I felt like a total failure. Of course now when the semester is over, I look back and realized that, "Hey, I'm not crazy, I survived this shit." I really wasn't sure I was going to make it out of there okay but I guess I did.
I'm still in a place where I'm punishing myself with lack of sleep or sleeping through the days and losing valuable time when the kids are at school and I can actually get work done but I'm working on it. It's a lot better than the things I was punishing myself for during the semester. I had a lot of moments last semester where I blamed myself for a lot of things that I had or have no control over and that was wrong. That isn't healthy at all. I need to learn to stop blaming myself for these things. The thing is, I only begin to blame and punish myself during the most stressful parts of the semester which for last semester was from spring break until the day I moved out of my residence hall.
My summer courses begin this week so I'm going to take that opportunity to balance my self-care with my school work. This past spring, self-care and school work just crashed and everything went downhill. It's so important to take care of yourself. I had to have on of my dear professors remind me of this a few weeks ago. Work is important and reaching your goals is important but you can't make it if you're not taking care of yourself. I know that everyone is different but I think that you should take some time out from working your ass off and spend maybe an hour or so doing something just for you. It could be something spiritual, crafty, sporty, whatever your heart desires that just relaxes you and keeps you from going crazy. Sometimes you need to open up and let it all out in addition to doing something that relaxes you. I'm working on this and hopefully, I will take my own advice in upcoming semesters. I'd like to avoid another downward spiral just because I decided not to take care of myself in the way that I should have.
As always, if you need to talk about anything, I'm here to listen
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