We are not perfect. This country is very, very far from being perfect so why does our President have to be perfect? Support him. He's here for us. Help him help us.
Raise your voice. Be a part of the "peace" that can change this country. Help change it for the better. Eliminate the hate, the anger, the discrimination, the unfairness, the ridicule....none of it is necessary. We can't go forward if we're holding ourselves back. We can't get stuck and we cannot regress!
I thought I heard words of encouragement tonight from the President. I want to be a part of change and tonight, the President told me to keep going.
We all just need a little time each week, at least, to relax, find peace and be happy. Maybe sit and collect your thoughts. Maybe you can listen to rain sounds like I am at this current moment. It's not super relaxing because I am supposed to be reading a thousand pages for my classes but it is making me feel a lot better....a lot more peaceful and at ease.
I just looked at the clock. It's midnight. It's Monday and so this new week begins. So glad that Mondays are quick and easy for me.
"Our prime purpose in life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." -Dalai Lama
time for my favorite movies [crying happy face here] I love movies that make me cry. I'm currently in the middle of Juno and I have the Kleenex ready for my favorite part.
Reasons to smile: Monday through Friday
It's Friday.
First week of classes went well.
I have very interesting classes. Three of them are discussion classes that I am very excited about.
Movie night tonight.
I had salmon in my salad for lunch today. I love salmon!
I made it to my 7:30 AM class on Wednesday morning!
I'm a princess.
We talked about Myspace's "Top 8" and had a great laugh in one of my classes today.
I saw The Social Network this week. It was so interesting. I also love that I got to see it for free. =D
How I Met Your Mother later♥.
Had a jam session last night. Listened to some of my favorite songs :)
I was not attacked by one of USF's crazy ducks this week....at least not physically. A duck did use the bathroom like 3 feet in front of me though. Gross.
Three day weekend and a celebration of diversity next week!
I spent a lot of time with my good friends up here this week.
I went to the gym 3 times this week and enjoyed myself each time.
Slept in today for the first time this week. It was wonderful, I'll be doing the same tomorrow morning!
So far this week, I've been a good body owner. I've listened to my body. This is the only body I will ever have and I am making sure that I treat it like a queen. So far, so good!
I've been enjoying my classes so far. First week is going well. I love that it ends with a three day weekend! I have so many reading assignments but this semester, there will be no slacking, no skimming, and no sleeping in apparently....except maybe on Saturdays. I'm pretty excited though for the rest of the semester even though I still have one more day left in the first week. As long as I stay on top of things. This should be a lot of fun and I will have a lot to share!
I got myself a beautiful planner from a gas station in South Carolina. I haven't needed to use it because I'm still on break but while I was writing in it today, I found these beautiful quotes that I fell in love with. There is one for each day so I'm going to post the three from this new year.
January 1st: "Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher."
January 2nd: "Two are better than one. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."
January 3rd: "Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure."
By now, I know that life isn't a fairytale but I still like to think of myself as a princess. I think princesses are awesome so I feel special knowing that I'm one too. A princess is a young woman with power and as a young lady, I have a lot of power.
I have the power of love. Love is really powerful. We're loving beings. We're made to love and be loved and having that love in us make us all really powerful. Even though we don't always see the love there, it's there making us stronger. I know a lot of people feel unloved at times or some times all of the time but it's there. It's all around you. you're really not alone.i promise. I really do.
With the power of love. We have the chance to learn. We can accept other cultures and love people for who they are. That's super amazing. We have the power to be open minded and accepting of the world around us. Not everyone uses that power but it's so cool when you do.
Another power that qualifies me for being a princess is the power of hope. I'm all about hope. Hope is believing that what you want can be had. It's believing, it's trusting, it's feeling strongly that something can/will happen. It's really powerful. We have the power to allow hope to come inside our hearts and that's when we start seeing things differently in a more positive light but not unrealistically which is very healthy.
There is also the power of using my own mind. Having opinions and views and sharing them. The power to seek knowledge and go on adventures through reading like my favorite disney princess, Belle. =] People don't always acknowledge the power and importance of knowledge but it really is important. It can take us anywhere and paired with hope, and all the other amazing qualities of a princess, it can help you to become what ever you want to be.
We have to be brave so that we can find the courage to learn about the world around us. To accept new things and to understand them. It takes a lot of courage to step out of your comfort zone but it's possible and with bravery, you can make it happen. I never thought I could do it but it happened and it worked for me.
Princesses are also beautiful and we are all beautiful so that's really the first and easiest qualification.
That's what makes me a princess, strength, love, hope, courage, beauty, bravery, and being myself. Who I am is someone amazing and who you are is someone phenomenal and we make the world a better place just by living in it. We're royalty you know =] ♥