Hi. I know I could post a lot more.
I've been really stressed lately. I recently cut out one of the things that usually keep me sane so that I could better focus on my work. I didn't realize that it was keeping my sane so obviously now, I'm kind of losing it a lot and it took me a while to realize why.
I'm staying strong though. There's only a few weeks left of this semester and I know I can make it through. I'm not giving up. I know how hard things can get. I know that I will survive. I can't feel invisible forever.
We can't feel invisible forever. We're strong. We're going to make it. Things will get better.
Talk to someone. I can't stress the importance of telling someone who listens and values you about what's troubling you. Even if you just have to write it down. One of the things I find most frustrating is feeling like no one is listening to you or no one is there for you. It makes you feel like you're not important. The truth is, you are very important. You matter so much. Sometimes people are so wrapped up in their own stress that they can't see beyond that and that doesn't necessarily reflect upon their feelings toward you. You're not invisible at all.
If you're feeling stressed from all the things that life is throwing at you right now, take a break, take a deep breath and do something JUST FOR YOU for an hour. Make sure you're taking care of YOU because you're important.